"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Math Stuff

I started my classes at Stockton this week. One of my classes is about using technology in the classroom. The teacher had us start a blog yesterday that we could use either for our classes or once we become teachers use it to connect with other teachers. Either way it has to be educational and some what professional. Well that site has decided it doesn't want to work right now and I want to get this done so I'll post it here for now.

Just a little humor

Typical conversation when people know you are going to college:
Person: "Oh, thats great! What's your major?"
Me: "I'm studying Math and I want to be a math teacher."
Person: "Ugh MATH?!?!?! I hate math."

How do you respond to that?! Oh me too?? NO! One of my big motivations to become a math teacher is get rid of this mentality of hating math. In this blog the writer talks about the same thing. All of the responses she gives are no surprise! She points out that it's okay to hate math in our society. (In this article the writer pokes fun at if we all said we hating reading.) The blogger also adds in the pressure from Race to the Top and Common Core to improve students scores without any other support.

One of my goals when I become a math teacher is to help students understand why you factor polynomials and convert fractions and graph lines. Maybe they won't use it in their everyday lives but there are reasons behind all the math. It's just mindlessly following the steps in the book. I want students to see that we have figured so many things out with numbers and science. I realize it's a challenge but I'm up for it! 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting Started

Hello World! I was introduced to the blogging world by my friend Stacia. I must admit that at first I thought people want to read what you have to say?? But then I thought about and I love talking to her so why wouldn't other people what to hear what she has to say?! I decided to start my own, not so much because I think people want to hear what I have to say but more for me to just get things out, a journal more or less. I'm on few adventures at the moment, I'm planning my wedding, preparing for my very first home, preparing for my career, and developing ideas for youth ministry. I have a huge heart for young girls, teens, and young women. I serve in the 5th and 6th grade ministry right now and I love it, but I feel that God is calling me to more, I'm just not there yet. I want to pull out the quiet leadership that we all have but also balance a strong submission. So this is certainly adventure we are about to begin!