"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wedding Countdown

It's official we can definitely start to remember the exact amount of DAYS until the wedding (52 days!!). With the small window of time left, that means the pressure is on. And boy am I starting to feel that pressure. The pressure of deadlines and decisions I put off for months. I don't think I've been slacking and lagging behind by any means but there were certain things that had to wait to be done. But now it is time for them to get done and I feel overwhelmed by the deadlines. I mean it could also be a combination of the summer classes I'm taking, and the observations I have to do in a school district, and moving Mike into our house (post soon to come) that has brought on these overwhelming feelings but either way I want them gone. I'm getting married once, I am planning my wedding once, I've enjoyed it up to this point I don't want to start hating it now. I have to remember that I have 7 awesome bridesmaids, two awesome moms, and one amazing man I get to call my husband (in 52 days!!!) to help. Then all top of all those wonderful people I have a God who's peace surpasses all understanding. So no more worries, things will get done when they get done and I'll still enjoy planning my wedding. 

I've said from the beginning that I want to focus on planning for my marriage, the thing that will last forever, rather than the one day that it starts. I'm going to love my wedding day and I can't wait to say I do. But the real deal comes after the dancing and laughing and tears. The real deal is the next day,  next year, and the next ten years down the road. Those are the days I'm excited for, spending time with this awesome and crazy guy. 

Love him!!!

Wishing you all peace and joy.

With love

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