"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Friday, November 18, 2011


Everything in this post I have thought of. I literally could not have said it better myself.

Hope you enjoy!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Life Lately

So granted I have not used this to my full advantage or talked as much as I liked to, but I'm a busy girl!
So school has started and it isn't as scary as I thought it would be. After hearing Mike's horror stories of his foundations class and his 4000 level classes, I was not excited to get here. Mike understands things better than I do, he grasps the concept, I grasp the procedure. He will retain the knowledge I will know solid for the test and then it's gone. So I have always gotten better grades then he has but he understands more. So when I hear about how he doesn't understand his classes, I freak! But so far I am not freaking out. My two math classes are not that hard. So the work load has not made me cry so far (key words = so far). But I'm almost done the semester so it's looking good!

A huge blessing that has come our way was scholarships and aid that not only covered my full tuition for the semester but I got money back! A lot of money back, more than I could have ever asked for!!!! God really shows how much he can provide and I'm in awe. Also, Mike and I started looking for a house and came across this grant that will give first time home owners up to $15,000. There is no way this isn't God! 

Other than that it's just the everyday. The wedding plans are always on my mind and I feel as if I'm falling behind on the plans but then I realize that I still have 8 months and I need to breathe!!! 

in love

Wedding Planning

Wedding planning is coming along. It's a lot to thnk about and if I think about too much I make myself crazy: 
What if this
 What if that
What if I'll hate that in three years
What if I help my sister or other friends plan their wedding and I say I wish I would have done that! 
What if Mike doesn't cry when I walk down the aisle
What if I don't cry
What if I cry obnoxiously
What if
What if 
What if...

I can say a lot of what if's but I haven't asked what if you just enjoy the day. It's something I have to prepare myself for each time. I have to keep reminding myself that the wedding is only one day in our marriage that will last a lifetime. The wedding day is just the beginning. I'm constantly trying to prepare myself for the major life change after the wedding. 

I'm not gonna go home to my Mommy's house and sleep in my own bed. I'm going home to OUR house to share a bed (something I don't do well).

It's a crazy journey that is happening. I'm glad I'm doing it with this man by my side! =)

Love you Mike
~in love~

Friday, November 4, 2011

It gets better

I was going through my google reader and came across this blog. Written by a beautiful girl, inside and out, I know personally. She's an inspiration! I really loved this song and it inspired me to post. In my education classes in college we talk a lot about bullying because of the new bill that has gone out. This bill was pushed of the increasing suicide rates in teens. Here's the video.

As girl who has gone through middle school and high school and has been there I just want to encourage anyone out there that life gets better! One day people grow up, not to the fullest extent that we'd like them to but eventually it gets better. It can be tough but you can make it through! 

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Life gets better!

~with love~