"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Life Lately

So granted I have not used this to my full advantage or talked as much as I liked to, but I'm a busy girl!
So school has started and it isn't as scary as I thought it would be. After hearing Mike's horror stories of his foundations class and his 4000 level classes, I was not excited to get here. Mike understands things better than I do, he grasps the concept, I grasp the procedure. He will retain the knowledge I will know solid for the test and then it's gone. So I have always gotten better grades then he has but he understands more. So when I hear about how he doesn't understand his classes, I freak! But so far I am not freaking out. My two math classes are not that hard. So the work load has not made me cry so far (key words = so far). But I'm almost done the semester so it's looking good!

A huge blessing that has come our way was scholarships and aid that not only covered my full tuition for the semester but I got money back! A lot of money back, more than I could have ever asked for!!!! God really shows how much he can provide and I'm in awe. Also, Mike and I started looking for a house and came across this grant that will give first time home owners up to $15,000. There is no way this isn't God! 

Other than that it's just the everyday. The wedding plans are always on my mind and I feel as if I'm falling behind on the plans but then I realize that I still have 8 months and I need to breathe!!! 

in love

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